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My coaching site: www.mindful-leaders.net
Coaching & Supervision, achtsame Kommunikation und Begleitung in Krisen für Studierende, Professionals und Führungskräfte im Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsbereich www.mindful-leaders.net
Ulf-Daniel Ehlers
Ulf is the founder of www.mindful-leaders.net, a serial entrepreneur of social enterprises, and a full Professor for Educational Management and Lifelong Learning at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW). In 2011, the Ministry of Higher Education entrusted him with spearheading the launch of Germany’s first Cooperative University as Vice-President, a groundbreaking initiative that today educates 35,000 students. His innovative spirit led him to establish NextEducation in 2017, an international boutique-research group dedicated to Future Skills, Microcredentials, and digital transformation in higher education (www.next-education.org). Additionally he held the position of Scientific Director at the Future Learning Laboratory at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) until 2023.
Ulf's global impact is reflected in his work with numerous universities across all five continents, holding senior research positions and appointments as guest, full, and associate professor in various countries in Europe and the United States. He carries several European executive mandates, prominently focusing on integrating the European Higher Education Area. From 2018 to 2021, he co-chaired the EU inter-ministerial group on the future of teaching and learning. As an elected Vice-President for 3 terms until 2023 of the European Association of Institutes of Higher Education (EURASHE), Ulf played a pivotal role in the Bologna Process. He has also been elected director of the Executive Council of the European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) until 2023, where he has earned the EDEN Senior Fellowship honor. For the European Ranking Initiative U-Multirank, the European Commission appointed him to the Advisory Board. Currently he serves as elected Board Member for the Future Skill Alliance in Germany.
Ulf has captivated audiences in more than 45 countries with his keynote speeches. He is a prolific author and editor, contributing to over 18 books and 300 scholarly articles, amassing over 7,500 academic citations. As a trained systemic coach, facilitator, and expert in mindful and non-violent communication, Ulf holds degrees in English Language, Social Sciences, and Education Sciences from the University of Bielefeld. His internationally awarded writings on quality in education continue to influence and inspire.
Africa assessment Baden-Wurttemberg Coperative State University book Competence cooperation cultures Digital learning e-learning EDEN EDEN 2017 EDEN Conference efquel EU Project gmw hochschulen homepage innoqual innovation Joshua journal Jönköping learning mooc myths New year's eve Oer open educational resources Open Game organisational development policy quality recognition Research weihnachten
Archiv der Kategorie: Uncategorized
Kick-Off: Learning and teaching Tool for fueling university relations
What is LaTFURE? LaTFURE, Erasmus+ Program (2016-2019) is coordinated by Danube University Krems and involves 15 European and African partners. LaTFURE aims to provide the systemic and institutional conditions for the establishment of dual studies as an integral part of South … Weiterlesen
Dear Friends and colleagues from all over the world – have a good, a blessed, a glorious year in [wpvideo MyjWltgU]which we all find opportunity to meet and join hands to work for the necessary mind-shift in learning and teaching, … Weiterlesen
Year’s end… looking back ahead!
To all of you out there a merry christmas, some peaceful days, rest, joy and lots of exchange with your loved ones. And a happy new year! Thank you for an exciting year 2016 with its new contacts, interests, threads, … Weiterlesen
US – a failed state?
Paul Krugman today writes in the New York Times: „I don’t know how we go forward from here. Is America a failed state and society? It looks truly possible. I guess we have to pick ourselves up and try to … Weiterlesen
New goals for Bologna!?
As one of my duties as Vicepresident of the European Association of Institutions of Higher Education I am representing EURASHE in parts of the Bologna Follow Up discussions. I am on my way to Stockholm to attend a meeting of … Weiterlesen
Digitale Welt: Lernen, Leben und Arbeiten
Gestern war es mal wieder soweit – zum wichtigen Thema, wie digitale Medien zukünftig Arbeiten und Leben verändern kam auch mal wieder Manfred Spitzer zu Wort, beim ARD, Anne Will auf großer Bühne. Es erstaunt, dass seine Argumentation mittlerweile fast platt … Weiterlesen
A new and exciting challenge: Supporting Professional Higher Education in Europe
Since 3 years I am now working with EURASHE, the European Association of Institutes of Higher Education. The assocation is a strong supporter of Professional Higher Education (PHE) in Europe, THE European network and meeting point for Universities of Applied … Weiterlesen
Genial with Kolumne: Der kirschtörtige Imperativ | ZEIT Campus
Malaysia – Singapur – Hongkong: Digitalisierung in Asien
Delegationsreise Asien: Digitalisierung von Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, Vizepräsident Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Vom 17.April bis zum 24. April unternimmt das Hochschulforum Digitalisierung der HRK und des Stifterverbandes für die deutsche Wissenschaft eine Delegationsreise nach Asien, um dort den Stand der Digitalisierung an den … Weiterlesen
Digitalisierung – Eine Frage der Transformation und der Werte
Sollen Studierende in einer Lehrveranstaltung die Smartphones ausschalten? Fragen wie diese werden zurzeit an vielen Hochschulen kontrovers diskutiert. Für Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, Professor und Vizepräsident für Qualität und Lehre an der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, werden jetzt wichtige Weichen im Umgang mit … Weiterlesen
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