Schlagwort-Archive: quality

Workshop on Renewing the Quality Agenda in Europe

Today at the 2017 annual EDEN Conference in Jönköping/ Sweden we have held a learning cafe workshop on a very important theme in the overall discussion of Quality in E-learning: „Renewing the European Quality Agenda“. Why „renewing“? Well, in a … Weiterlesen

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Quality and Assessment for new learning cultures. Preview for my new book – sent to the publisher yesterday….

It is finished… and sent to Springer for publication…:-) My new book is about two topics, the fast change of learning in the open learning worlds of web 2.0 which I refer to as open learning cultures and quality development … Weiterlesen

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The new kid on the block: „International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning” (INNOQUAL)

Dear researcher with interest in innovation and quality in the field of learning and e-learning practitioners, The European Foundation for Quality in E Learning (EFQUEL) has launched the “International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning” (INNOQUAL) which will provide … Weiterlesen

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Homepage redone!

I had to change my homepage eventually due to my move to my new position (Baden Wurttemberg Cooperative State University) and the fact that it was all the time still stored at my old employers webservers (University Duisburg-Essen). So – … Weiterlesen

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