Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Karlsruhe |
Baden-Wurttemberg Cooperative State University Karlsruhe
Erzbergerstr. 121, 76133 Karlsruhe
Deutschland |Germany
Twitter | Google+ | XING | LinkedIn
Professor für Bildungsmanagement und Lebenslanges Lernen (www.dhbw.de)
Full Professor for Educational Management and Lifelong Learning
Scientific Director der NextEducation Research Group (www.next-eductaion.org)
Scientific Director of the NextEducation Research Group
DHBW Beauftragter für Innovative und digitale Lehre (www.dhbw.de)
DHBW Senior Advisor for Digital Transformation in Teaching and Learning
Vorstand der Future Skill Alliance e.V. (www.futureskillalliance.de)
Member of the Executive Council of the Future Skill Alliance e.V.
Selected Prior Executive Mandates
Ο Vizepräsident der Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (2011-2017)
Vice-President Baden-Wurttemberg Cooperative State University (www.dhbw.de)
Ο Vizepräsident European Association for Institutes of Higher Education (08/2014-05/2023)
Vicepresident European Association for Institutes of Higher Education
Ο Direktor European Distance and E-Learning Network (07/2018-06/2023)
Director European Distance and E-Learning Network
Ο Founder and President of the European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning (06/2005-08/2014)
Gründer und Präsident der European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning
Ο Wissenschaftlicher Leiter @ Perspektivlabor am KIT (Karlsruher Institut of Technology) (01/2021-12/2022)
Scientific Direktor @ Perspectivelaboratory, House of Competence, KIT
Ο Vorsitzender der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft e.V. (2012-2014)
President of the Association for Media in Science (www.gmw-online.de)
Research Interests: future skills research, competence research, educational technology, digital learning technologies, quality development & culture in education, organizational change [publications & presentations on slideshare]
My coaching sites: www.mindful-leaders.net & www.art-of-communication.org
Begleitung von Menschen im privaten und beruflichen Leben, Coaching und Supervision für Professionals und Führungskräfte im Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsbereich, Team- und Organisationsentwicklung, Kommunikationstraining
My publications: GoogleScholar citation index | Ulf bei Researchgate.net | List of complete Reports and Research Results from 2005-today (open access) | Books @ Amazon
To view recent keynote videos please visit NextSkills Web

May I ask a more personal question? What type of movies do you love?
The main reason for asking is I feel it would be great to figure out a little more about the author,
The question is not so personal – but what ‚types‘ do exist to choose from?
Sort of a arbitrary thought, but how long did it
took you to prepare this? Carry on the great job!!
Very interesting research outcomes. Will contact you by email.
Many thanks
yes – feel free. i look forward to it.
Thanks in favor of sharing such a pleasant thinking, paragraph is good, thats why i have read it completely
Hello, I would like to cite from your paper „Discovering the Unknown Territory – How to Move From Control to Culture in Higher Education Quality“ but can only download it and then need to use a google link which I would like to avoid. Have you published it elsewhere online or could I get your original text? Ehlers, U.-D, Schneckenberg, D. (2010): Changing Cultures in Higher Education. Springer. Heidelberg, New York. I need it fast and am not able to get hold of the book.
Thank you.