Kick-Off: Learning and teaching Tool for fueling university relations

What is LaTFURE?

LaTFURE, Erasmus+ Program (2016-2019) is coordinated by Danube University Krems and involves 15 European and African partners.

LaTFURE aims to provide the systemic and institutional conditions for the establishment of dual studies as an integral part of South Africa and Mozambique’s higher education systems, which will serve to strengthen relations between the higher education systems and their wider economic and social environment.

By combining academic learning at HEIs with professional/practical learning that takes place in a working environment, dual studies provides a model that strengthens the practical orientation of higher education, boosts cooperation between HEIs and their wider environment, produces human capital and skills for the economy and society, fosters research cooperation.

By connecting education and industry, students will have the possibility to work and study concurrently, allowing them to (partially) fund their education.  The introduction of dual studies would thus provide a sustainable form of university funding, whilst tackling inequalities in terms of access.

The choice of tourism and extractive industries for the pilot dual study programmes aims to meet specific and identified skills gaps for the countries‘  development and prosperity.

The project aims to define legislative and policy frameworks at the system level, develop strategic, governance and operational policies, structures and mechanisms at the institutional level, and establish working prototypes of dual study programmes that can be used as learning models across the system.

As a first step, at least two dual study programmes in South Africa and at least two in Mozambique will be established in the fields of extractive industries and tourism that demonstrate proof-of-concept and provide working prototypes for systemic expansion.



Full Partners

Danube University Krems (DUK)

Danube University Krems is Europe’s only state-run university for postgraduate education. It combines high quality in education, research and consulting with customer orientation and service. Customers, in this context, are students as well as their employers. Founded in 1995, the university today has more than 8,500 students, 550 staff and 18,000 alumni. DUK offers more than 300 postgraduate master programs in fields like medicine, management, education and arts, all of which have been designed for students who bring along work experience in their field of studies.

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Centre for Higher Education (CHE)

CHE – Centre for Higher Education is a private non-profit organisation founded by the Bertelsmann Stiftung and the German Rectors Conference (HRK) in 1994. The main aim of CHE is to promote reforms in German, European and global higher education. Based on international comparisons, CHE develops models for the modernisation of higher education systems and institutions in close dialogue with decision-makers from higher education and politics.

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Cooperative State University of Applied Sciences (DHBW)

DHBW is the preeminent German university when it comes to dual studies. It a public institution, and the only HEI that offers only dual studies. Founded in 2009, DHBW traces its roots back to the 40-year success story of the University of Cooperative Education (Berufsakademie Baden-Wuerttemberg). DHBW regards companies and social institutions as equal partners.

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University of Tampere (UTA) 

The University of Tampere (UTA) is a middle-sized Finnish research university known especially for its research and education on society and health.  There are some 15 500 students pursuing degrees at the UTA, of which about 500 are international degree students. In addition the UTA hosts another 500 incoming exchange students. The staff consists of about 2 200 members, of which approximately 150 have an international background.

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Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Austria (FHJ)

FH Joanneum is one of the largest Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria. It has about 3,800 students and about 540 employees (figures from 2012/13 academic year). The main campus is located in Graz, while there are two other locations in the province of Styria, Austria. FH Joanneum offers 41 degree programs in a variety of areas including Applied Computer Sciences, Engineering, Health Studies, Building, Energy & Society, Media & Design and Management.

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Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (Eduardo Mondlane University), Mozambique (UEM)

Eduardo Mondlane University was established in 1962, being the first higher education institution in Mozambique. It is a public university with a student population of approximately 36,864 of which 92.1% are undergraduates and 7.9% are postgraduates. Apart from its 11 Faculties, it also boasts 6 Schools of Applied Science and 8 Research and Advocacy centers.

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Lurio University, Mozambique (UL)

Established in 2006, the University of Lurio is destined to turn into a major university servicing Mozambique’s three most northerly provinces: Nampula, Cabo Delgado and Niassa, situated along the south-eastern shores of Lake Malawi. The first student intake at its headquarters in Nampula occurred in 2007. A satellite is situated in the town of Pemba, provincial capital of Cabo Delgado, which opened in 2008.

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Zambeze University, Mozambique (UZ)

The Zambezi University is one of the youngest public institutions of higher education in Mozambique. It was inaugurated in March 2009 and currently has around 550 employees and 8200 students. The Zambezi University is named after the Zambezi River, which runs through the central region of Mozambique. The university has a strategic location in Mozambique and Southern Africa Region, having a strategic importance for the development of the country and the Southern Africa Region in general.

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University of the Western Cape, South Africa (UWC)

UWC is the most successful historically disadvantaged institution in South Africa. It is now rated in the top eight in the country. UWC was founded in 1959 for people classified as „Coloured“ who were offered limited training for lower to middle level positions e.g. in schools, and the civil service. UWC’s key concerns with access, equity and quality in higher education arise from extensive practical engagement in helping historically marginalized graduates participate fully in the life of the nation.

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Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa (CPUT)

The Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) was established on 1 January 2005, when the Cape Technikon and Peninsula Technikon merged. This merger was part of a national process that transformed the higher education landscape in South Africa. Today, CPUT is the only University of Technology in the Western Cape. It is the largest of the four universities in the region, with about 33 000 students on multiple campuses.

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University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg, South Africa (Wits)

Wits is a premier university in southern Africa with a vision of transforming itself into a leading research-intensive university firmly embedded in the Top 100 world universities by 2022. The university has about 6500 staff members of whom about 4700 are academics. Its student body is close to 33000. It is home to one of the only four mining schools in South Africa.

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University of Limpopo, South Africa (ULP)

University of Limpopo follows the vision to become a leading African University focused on the developmental needs of its communities and epitomising academic excellence and innovativeness. The University responds actively to the development needs of its students, staff and communities, through relevant and higher quality education and training, research and community engagement, and in partnership and collaboration with its stakeholders.

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University of Cape Town, South Africa (UCT)

Founded in 1829, the University of Cape Town has a proud tradition of academic excellence and effecting social change and development through its pioneering scholarship, faculty and students. UCT‘s staff and students come from over 100 countries in Africa and the rest of the world. The university has also built links, partnerships and exchange agreements with leading African and international institutions that further enrich the academic, social and cultural diversity of UCT’s campus.

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University of Mpumalanga, South Africa (UMP)

UMP is an African University that is rooted in its home in Mpumalanga and as such, it is responsive to its immediate political, socio-economic, geographic and historic context, and its place in the world. UMP ensures that all its institutional activities contribute significantly to the realization of regional, national and international goals. The attractive geographical location in Mbombela provides significant opportunities and is a strong pull factor in attracting high quality staff and students.

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Ministry of Science, Technology, Higher Education and Vocation Training, Mozambique (MSTHE)

The Ministry of Science and Technology, Higher Education and Vocational Training (MSTHE) was created in 2015 under the presidential Decree nº 1/2015, following the General elections in October 2014. Previously, higher education had been coordinated by different Ministries, including Ministry of Education (1994-1999), Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology (MESCT  2000-2005); Ministry of Education and Culture (2005-2010); and Ministry of Education, with a Deputy Minister for Higher Education (2010-2015). The new MSTHE is in charge of the three subject areas: Science and Technology, Higher Education and Vocational Technical Education of Mozambique.

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Department of Higher Education and Training, South Africa (DHET)

The Department of Higher Education and Training derives its mandate from the supreme law of the Republic of South Africa, the Constitution, within the purport of Section 29, read with schedule 4, which lists education at all levels, including tertiary education as a functional area of concurrent national and provincial legislative competence.

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Associate partners:


Energy Works

South African National Parks (ex Kruger)

Southern African Society for Cooperative Education (SASCE)

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