New goals for Bologna!?

As one of my duties as Vicepresident of the European Association of Institutions of Higher Education I am representing EURASHE in parts of the Bologna Follow Up discussions. I am on my way to Stockholm to attend a meeting of the Bologna Process Working Group on New Goals. (The title is much longer… but that is the essence:-)) what is remarkable is the list of topics which are on the agenda: 

  •   encourage European Higher Education Institutions to continue  to  become learning institutions 
  • Encourage virtual ERASMUS experiences using digital media 
  • Provide flexible learning paths, recognize microcredits, develop flex curricula, etc
  • Recommend to share knowledge and experiences among teachers as well as sharing Open Educational Resources.
  •  Teaching quality is central to the provision of higher education. A European teaching academy, platforms for sharing good practice and peer-learning activities perhaps may contribute to this aspect.

So I am looking forward to an inspiring 2 days of meeting.  

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