Year’s end… looking back ahead!

To all of you out there a merry christmas, some peaceful days, rest, joy and lots of exchange with your loved ones. And a happy new year! 
Thank you for an exciting year 2016 with its new contacts, interests, threads, opportunities and with all its starts and its ends. May we be able to follow up with each other, to weave open threads together to close networks of support, exchange and inspiration. You all have contributed in your own unique way to making this stretch of life unique exciting, challenging, rewarding and satisfying. Let’s continue in 2017 in exact the same way. Let’s spark together new ideas, let creativity and innovation be our guiding maxim when embarking on future initiatives.
And let 2017 be a year of inspiration, love and friendship for all of you, in which you find what you are looking for, deepen what you hold worth and abandon what holds you behind.

And a year of more peace for the world, and mindful leaders! 
Until we meet again, I wish you all a great start!

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