Workshop „Microcredentials in higher education: enabling future flexible learning pathways“ – organised by EURASHE

<<ENGLISH>> What are „microcredentials“ and what potentials arise from this concept, that could be applied in higher education? Where does the idea of these microcredentials as an alternative higher education model come from and can they actually serve as an improvement in learning, especially in relation to lifelong learning ?Microcredentials
In fact, microcredentials are one of the main priorities of the European Commission in this year 2020!
Not least because of my research on „Future Skills“ and the working group NextEducation I have also been dealing with this topic for quite some time.

Now EURASHE organised a series of webinars, and I was asked to moderate one of these workshops on May 20th, 2020. The aim was to highlight the importance of these microcredentials in general, but also to link them to the current corona crisis and to show how this concept of alternative certification can transform the entire higher education system. At the same time, the question of what is required of universities to accept and adapt this model of teaching and learning must be addressed.
I was supported by three internationally established colleagues, each of whom highlighted different aspects of this concept and in particular the potentials and possibilities, the necessities for a functioning concept of microcredentials, but also the challenges that such a fundamental change entails. Speakers were: Anthony F. Camilleri, Knowledge Innovation Centre, Malta, Alastair Creelman, Linnaeus University, Sweden and Gearoid O’Suilleabhain, Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland.

You can find the whole presentation here!

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