SIF – Skillman International Forum 2020

<<ENGLISH>> This year’s Skillman International Forum 2020 on December 10th and 11th, 2020, organised by the Skillman Alliance and also supported by the European Training Foundation, is focussed on “ redefining the future of learning“. On the one hand, with the help of the various speakers who are experts in this field, the aim is to highlight what the future of academic higher education will look like and how we can identify the necessary skills and developments at an early stage so that we can work on them in a concrete way.
„The future of higher education is significantly influenced by the Future Skills, and this year we have seen very clearly how important they are,“ says Ulf-Daniel Ehlers. His session at this forum will focus in particular on the skills that will be decisive for the future.

About 400 participants have registered for the event so far and we are looking forward to more!
More information about the presentation and registration can be found here!

Time: Friday, 11.12.2020, 09:37AM – 09:49 AM

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