Masterclass ‘Future skills and Future Universities’

Masterclass<<ENGLISH>> In cooperation with EURASHE (European Association for Institutes of Higher Education), we have also been working on the topic of future skills and the question of how universities can succeed even better in developing sustainable curricula.


On May 19, 2020, I was given the opportunity to hold a 90-minute masterclass on this subject, which was attended by more than 200 registered participants.

The master class dealt with the results of the NextSkills Initiative. At we have developed a portal that offers all results of the 4-year study in open access. Furthermore, there is a video series that deals with the main points of the Future Skills, which were elaborated in my book. This book can also be downloaded from the website in German and English.  To get an overview of this topic, you will also find various fact sheets and further information on future skills.


Corona has given the topic of future skills a whole new importance. The entire study system, whether at institutions of higher education or universities, has been converted to digital teaching, but the question arises how to prepare students for their studies and how to provide them with the necessary skills to adapt to a constantly changing world of work!

Unforeseen social developments, such as the Corona Shutdown, whose effects currently cover all areas of life, demand very special skills from us. But what are these and how do we manage to provide students, as well as employees, with the necessary „skills“ when the future is so uncertain?

These are exactly the topics I am dealing with in this lecture, which you will find here in full length!

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