Developing 21st Century Skills Through Teaching Online: Opportunities and Challenges

<<ENGLISH>> Our Future Skills work is more visible and in demand than ever – especially due to the COVID-19 crisis. Last week I was invited to present our results and also to talk about how future skills in online learning and teaching can be made relevant.

EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network) organised a series of webinars in the last few weeks in which I was involved.
Thematically, this was especially about the drastic circumstances that influence the teaching through the corona shutdown. As Commissioner for Digitisation at the DHBW, I am very much concerned with the future of learning at our university and right now with the question: What can we learn from the moment of innovation that we are experiencing in the time after Corona?

This is also the subject of many other lectures currently being held, which will deal with precisely these current and above all acute problems, but will also show the possibilities and opportunities that can be opened up for us by the forced conversion!

Here you can find Webinar No. 11 – Developing 21st Century Skills Through Teaching Online: Opportunities and Challenges (for recording).

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