Nice…! 6372 Chapter Downloads…

Today received from Springer...

Dear Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers,


Since its online publication on Feb 26, 2010, there has been a total of 6372 chapter downloads for your book on SpringerLink, our online platform. Over the last year(s) the download figures have been as follows:

Year Chapter Downloads
2012 1594
2011 2598
2010 2180
This means your book was one of the top 25% most downloaded eBooks in the relevant Springer eBook Collection in 2012.
To present your book ‚Changing Cultures in Higher Education‘ to its potential readers and make it findable by search engines, your book has its own homepage, which can be shared through social media and where you can download a flyer for your book! 
In 2012 this page was visited 294 times. Springer is constantly working to improve the search engine optimization for this page to ensure that your book appears as high as possible on the search engines’ results lists.
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