„Education does not change the world, it changes people – and people change the world. And so for me, the post-Covid Next Normal, it’s going to be people that create the future and the future we want.” ( -Mark Brown)
<<ENGLISH>> After the entire academic world had to find a new orientation since the beginning of 2020, the Hochschulforum Digitalisierung also took a new direction this year with the University:Future Festival. The entire festival took place over several days in digital form.
The overall subject was the question of the new everyday life at institutions of higher education for students and teachers, who shared their experiences with different key topics.
We, the NextEducation working group, had the chance of presenting our work and especially the Grand Challenge 2020, which was a great event within the framework of our lectures!
We were also present with our podcast projects „Studium im Shutdown“ and „Next Normal„. Afterwards we had the opportunity to talk to various speakers of the festival and ask concrete questions about their ideas of the future for universities and to find out what, in their opinion, the chances and potentials for the ‚Next Normal‘ of universities are.
We spoke with Mark Brown (Dublin City University), Jan-Martin Wiarda (Journalist for Education and Science), Christien Bok (Manager of Educational Innovation at SURF), Leonie Ackermann (#DigitalChangeMaker), Thies Johannsen (TU Berlin) and Barbara Wagner (HFD, Stifterverband).
From this exciting conversation a new Podcastepisode was created, the recording of our presentation of the podcast projects can be found here!
All recordings of the University:Future Festival can be found here!
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