Science festival EFFEKTE in November: New learning, working and business

<<ENGLISH>> In this special year the science festival EFFEKTE will run over several months, from July to December, completely digital. On the upcoming Science Tuesday, it will focus on the changes that our current situation at universities and the future of education is now experiencing. The new skills that we will need to be able to successfully continue learning and teaching belong to my area of expertise, because these are exactly the Future Skills that I am dealing with in my research group NextEducation.

Next Tuesday, I will outline what the university of the future can look like and how students will find their way around in the future!

Time: Tuesday, 03.11.2020 at 19:30

For the free online stream and further information click here!

After the broadcast, the recordings can also be found on the YouTube Channel Wissenschaftsfestival Effekte Karlsruhe.

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