Journal of e-Learning and knowledge society

<<ENGLISH>> In December, the special edition of the „Journal of e-Learning and knowledge society“ was published with exciting research around the topic „Open Teaching – Research and practices on open, innovative and engaging pedagogies“ – co-edited by Ulf-Daniel Ehlers. The approach of situated learning is based on the assumption that one can only understand what has been (re)constructed in one’s own mind or in reality. Moreover, in problem-based learning, the acquired knowledge can be experienced and imagined not only as a product, but also as a process.

If teaching is constantly done through direct instruction only and knowledge is imparted as a „finished product“ without the associated knowledge process, knowledge acquisition is deprived of its processual, generative, problem-solving, reflexive and contextual character.

Through problem-based learning, students generate new knowledge within the process of problem solving.

The Grand Challenge 2020 course concept is an example of such an experiment, where we transferred a student-centred and problem-based course into an online environment following the model of open educational practice. Students were invited to design their own projects, with teachers supporting them as coaches throughout the process of project teamwork. The focus in such an experiment is on competence learning taking into account the concept of student-centred teaching in a socio-constructivist teaching/learning setting where knowledge transfer is less important than student-centred coaching.

In open education, students are not seen as „products“ of educational institutions, but as active participants and potential innovators in an educational environment.

The aim of open education is to create a teaching/learning culture in which students and teachers see each other not only as „knowledge transmitters“ (teachers) or „knowledge recipients“ (students), but also as producers of knowledge and innovators of their own learning environment. In the new special issue on „Open Teaching“ in the „Journal of e-Learning and knowledge society“ we give you further insights into the underlying concept of open teaching.

You can find this edition of the magazine and more information here!

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