The quality of MOOCs is in the pedagogy…?!?

The MOOC Quality Project is coming into its 9th week. We have had over 7000 visitors and readers so far. Very interesting comments and contacts through the project.
Week 9 sees Paul Stacey with a post on pedagogy of MOOCs.
It starts like this: „There is a great deal of energy, enthusiasm, and change happening in today’s education sector. Existing and new education providers are leveraging the Internet, ICT infrastructure, digital content, open licensing, social networking, and interaction to create new forms of education. Open Educational Resources (OER) (including open textbooks), Open Access, and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have all gained traction as significant drivers of education innovation. -„
It is very interesting that the topic of quality for MOOCs is stimulating many of our experts to think and write about pedagogy and learning design for MOOCs.
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