Survey on the current state of the blockchain labour market

Take part in the CHAISE online survey and help us to find out more about the needed skills in the blockchain sector!

Our NextEducation researchteam at the DHBW Karlsruhe is currently working on the CHAISE project to create a strategic approach to blockchain skills development in Europe. CHAISE is a Sector Skills Alliance financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union. We aim to address the skills mismatches in the blockchain sector and to deliver appropriate training, qualifications, and mobility solutions considering the dynamic sectoral needs, and we would welcome your input on the current state of the blockchain labour market.

We invite you to complete the attached online survey on blockchain skills requirements, and to provide feedback on our findings from the forecasting of blockchain skills demand and supply in Europe. Please find the online survey here and note that it will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and that your input and data will be strictly confidential and used for this research project purposes only.

For more information on the CHAISE project see

We are very grateful for you input to this element of the project, as it will make an important contribution to the strategic approach to blockchain skills development in Europe. Your feedback will be thoroughly explored by the CHAISE consortium and the European Commission Directorate.

If you have any additional questions, please let us know!

More about us at

All about the Future Skills needed in the emerging world of tomorrow at

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