NextEducation Newsletter – What do we actually do?

<<ENGLISH>> What’s new from our NextEducation working group? Read our newsletter, in which we present all the important information, results and news from our work and our various projects!

Before you know it, we already find ourselves in the middle of a new year. 2022 – a year that brings exciting opportunities to meet, to share, and to create the future of education together. The last year has once again paved the way for new ideas and networks; we initiated new partnerships and started new projects.

In this newsletter we would like to share with you what we are currently working on and what we have been busy with within the last months.
We invite you to visit our website at

Please do not hesitate to get in touch, develop new initiatives, and engage with us in conversation.

Find out more about the NextEducation working group at DHBW Karlsruhe and read all about the Future Skills!

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