6th ASEF Rectors Conference: Future University – Third Mission, Digitalization, Lifelong Learning

240_f_57698650_fkwfsai71f5bgz2536i1bbuyi5hti1tnToday I am starting my  visit to Singapour – once more, the last time I have been there was about 1 year ago. The Asia-Europe-Foundation ASEF has asked me to keynote at the 6th ASEF Rectors Conference & Students Forum 2017 in Singapour. The students‘ forum will take place from 9-12 OCT and the rectors conference from 12-13 OCT.  The theme of the conference is “Future ready Universities and Graduates: Quality Education beyond the Horizon.” It is a very brought, yet important and much discussed topic worldwide these days. In our last and also in the next UAS Leadership forum we were addressing a similar theme and universities‘ leaders were very much stating that there is a string need for orientation in which directions universities need to develop and strengthen their capacity.

Here you find my background paper: ARC6_Commissioned Paper_EHLERS

logo-asefI will talk about „Lifelong Learning: Holistic and Global Education“. The theme  carries several important aspects of the debate around future university.

  • Third mission: It is clear that today, academic education is not a one-off experience but has to be viewed in from of an episodic and ongoing process. Constant update of knowledge and skills is needed. Not just to avoid labour market risks but also for a meaningful life, where learning and development is seen as pleasure. Therefore universities have to open up to their communites, provide education materials, involve their community in projects and initiatives and become motor and pulse of a vibrant space of learning opportunities. Today in many cases lifelong learning can be the bridge for higher education institutions to connect to their regions‘ environment and be an engine for regional development. The entire debate about smart regions is connected to the questions how universities can help their stakeholders to grow in their capacity for innovation.
  • Digitalization: Digital media play an enormous important role if lifelong learning is to become a major field of universities. Only through embracing the possibilities of time and space flexible learning provided through digital media, lifelong learning can become measningful for citizens. This process can foster the universities turn toward the digital universities and enforce its modernisation agenda.
  • New learning designs for the autonomous learner: Adults are themselves bringing many biographical experiences and competences to the learning processes and want to contribute these to the table of lifelong learning. A new view on learning autonomy, participatory and individual learning approaches and connected spaces needs to be realized. Again – these can have fruitful impulses for academic education at large

Here you find my background paper: ARC6_Commissioned Paper_EHLERS



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