EFQUEL Innovation Forum 2014 in Crete in conjunction with LINQ 2014: 7-9 May: Programm out

European Seminar on Excellence in ICT enhanced Higher Education 

Pre-Conference: 7th of May, Crete (in the framework of the EIF2014)

Review and certification of institutions and programs in their use of ICT for learning gains importance. On the one hand institutions look for external recognition and seek to pursue excellence, on the other hand certification schemes also offer orientation on what works and what doesn’t. EADTU, EFQUEL and ENQA therefore organise this one day seminar on eLearning in Higher Education. Certification and review approaches will be presented through simulations and case studies. The seminar will be partly informative and partly interactive and will be featuring high quality content on review methodologies and expriences. This seminar takes place on the 7th of May and is a pre-conference event of the EFQUEL Innovation Forum 2014 in Crete. Please register via the online registration form. Download the programme of the seminar


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