EFQUEL Innovation Forum 2014 in conjunction with LINQ 2014 – „Changing the trajectory – Quality for Opening up Education“

Changing the trajectory – Quality for Opening up Education

This year’s EFQUEL innovation forum will take place in Crete – exact venue to be announced by end of the week. 

It will address one of the greatest challenges in today’s quality development for education and training: How to achieve quality for opening up education. The EFQUEL Innovation Forum is unique in its interactive design and brings together leading experts from all fields of European and global education and training to take stock of current and future challenges in quality development and innovation in e-learning. We are happy to announce that our 2014 edition will take place in conjunction with the LINQ 2014 Conference to shape the 2014 Mega Event for Quality and Innovation in education and learning. 

Due to many requests, the organizing committee of the LINQ/EFQUEL 2014 conference has decided to extend the submission deadline for papers/projects/workshops to the 10th of February 2014!

We welcome the submission of scientific papers and project presentations as well as proposals for interactive workshop sessions on one of the following topics:

  • Quality indicators and methods to describe, measure and evaluate quality for open education, OER and MOOCs
  • Conceptual contributions on new and innovative quality models, methodologies, standards and approaches for e-learning and open education
  • Experiences and reports from practice with implementation of quality approaches for open education
  • Required competences by institutions as well as by learners for designing, practicing and improving open learning with high quality
  • Local, national, regional and European quality projects in the field of the conference
  • Methodologies for and experience of recognition of open learning in formal education and training
  • Certification of e-learning and open education in institutions, programs and courses
  • Integrated innovation and quality approaches
  • Global aspects of high-quality Open Education (e.g. collaborations, comparative studies, cultural aspects)

Submissions of (1) scientific papers, (2) project descriptions and (3) workshop proposals must be sent by February 10th, 2014 using the official templates that are different for each of the three calls (see http://eif.efquel.org).

All specific guidelines and requirements can be found on the conference websites at http://eif.efquel.org.

Looking forward to welcoming and meeting you on Crete!

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