The second CHAISE newsletter was currently launched. The last semester was very productive and we, the NextEducation research group from the DHBW Karlsruhe as well as our project partners, want to share our results and actions with you. Read more about the Blockchain labour market analysis and skills intelligence gathering activities, resulting in the demarcation of the Blockchain ecosystem and the comprehensive documentation of the existing demand and supply of Blockchain technical and non-technical skills. 

The above will provide the informed basis for the formulation of a European Skills Development Strategy, which will be published in March 2022 and will tackle the prevailing skills shortages as well as respond to the current and future skill needs of the European Blockchain workforce.

In parallel, the partnership has already started working on the design of a model to forecast the demand and supply of Blockchain Professionals on the basis of macro-environment (mega trends) and sector-specific trends. 

If you want to know more about the project, click here!

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