Archiv der Kategorie: Projects

Studentische Arbeitspapiere zur Digitalisierung Nr. 2: „Digitalisierung und Bildung“

Ausgabe 2: Digitalisierung in der Bildung On which digital Planet do we want to live? Wie sieht die Welt in 2030 aus – wie verändert Digitalisierung, wie wir leben? Diese Fragen wurden im Rahmen von studentischen Projekten im Sommersemester 2018 an … Weiterlesen

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eLearning at University Yaounde I, Cameroon… An initiative ends… eLearning in Yaounde I starts!

Before I start: Here (follow the link below!)  is the result of the last 2 years of work in this project… Again a project ends – funded by the german Academic Exchange Service – final report preparation leads me … Weiterlesen

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How MOOCs change the world – do they? Starting a list of myths about MOOCs

Online learning every since its existence has followed certain waves of new innovative developments. Sometimes these were more on the tech side (e.g. when LMS started, rapid authoring tools, social web and social media), some more on the learning design … Weiterlesen

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The new kid on the block: „International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning” (INNOQUAL)

Dear researcher with interest in innovation and quality in the field of learning and e-learning practitioners, The European Foundation for Quality in E Learning (EFQUEL) has launched the “International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning” (INNOQUAL) which will provide … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Projects | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , | Kommentare deaktiviert für The new kid on the block: „International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning” (INNOQUAL)