What is the Global Future Skills Project?

The Global Future Skills Project is seeking for contributions of your visionary and Future Skills-based higher education programs, courses and teaching & learning concepts built around supporting students’ Future Skills development.

In a world which is changing faster than ever before, it has never been more urgent to actively shape this global transformation in order to create the best possible future. Today’s students need to learn the necessary skills for this – Future Skills. The challenge of promoting them is one of the currently most debated challenges for higher education institutions all over the world. The Global Future Skills Project intends to build the first global entry point to access visionary higher education programs aiming at future skills for their graduates. This will be achieved through a) a video-based web portal portraying good practices and b) through an academic book publication. The project aims at increasing visibility for existing and emerging innovative teaching and learning practices, connecting educational innovators and promoting peer learning. Please contact us to contribute a book chapter in this upcoming globally leading Springer Publication.

Submit your program here!

Future Skills? Future Skills are Skills which enable students to collectively impact societal transformation in order to create more sustainable futures. The Future Skills concept is based on educational research, comprises 17 skills profiles and represents a strong alternative vision of higher education.  Throughout the past decade, the NextEducation research group has established an internationally unique and broad insight into the theory and conceptualization of Future Skills as a model for Future Higher Education (for more information: www.nextskills.org).

Global? The Global Future Skills Project aims to look for exemplary programs in the field of higher education. It seeks to cover approaches from all six continents and elicit ground-breaking and visionary future education programs. In a high-level peer-reviewed academic publication, the authors will explain in-depth their approach, methods, experiences and evidence of their selected good-practice Future Skill programs. The book will be published by “Springer” in the Series “Future Higher Education” as an open access publication, without any costs for authors.

Observatory? In addition, a global observatory website will be set up where good practice programs will be presented. In order to allow a maximum of peer learning, a short presentation video will be produced for each example and disseminated through the website. With the dedicated website and book publication, the project will support Global Future Skills Education in different contexts by inciting reflection on and assessment of Future Skills within a global milestone research publication.

Submit your program here!


What are we looking for?

We are seeking for visionary and Future Skills-based higher education programs, courses and teaching & learning concepts built around supporting students’ Future Skills development.  Future Skills are understood as skills enabling graduates to act as transformative agents in emergent developments in organizations, societies and the world as a whole. We therefore seek book chapters on:

  • teaching and learning concepts in higher education that are currently being implemented or have already been implemented.
  • individual projects, course, study programs or holistic general teaching concepts, also but not limited to cooperation with corporate and civil society actors
  • A new vision of higher education and the development of students’ Future Skills as well as its teaching-learning approach should be central

Who takes the initiative?

The „Global Future Skills Project“ is initiated by two globally leading universities: The Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)  in Germany. An expert team from both institutions is cooperating on the implementation of the global initiative, led by Prof. Dr. Ulf-Daniel Ehlers, Professor of Education Management and Lifelong Learning at DHBW, Head of NextEducation Research Group and initiator of the groundbreaking NextSkills study in cooperation with Dr. Michael Stolle, Managing Director of KIT’s House of Competence.

Contact us for further information!

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