A collaborative seminar with the House of Competence at the KIT in the upcoming summer semester 2021!
<<ENGLISH>> The seminar in the upcoming summer semester 2021 will take place online and arose from a cooperation with me and the NextEducation of the DHBW Karlsruhe and the House of Competence at the Karlsruher Institut für Technologien.
Emotional intelligence, social skills, empathy and ethical attitudes: If you ask today what the biggest issues of tomorrow’s working world and society are, you get some surprising answers. It is no longer just about specialist knowledge and theoretical knowledge, but about „future skills“ – in other words, the competencies needed to find one’s way in a rapidly changing world.
The seminar „MyProject“ is about developing one’s own Future Skills profile. To this end, students develop their individual „micro-project“, which is implemented during the semester and which helps them to leave their own comfort zone and to further develop the significant Future Skills. It is about reflecting on your own skills, values and motives for action.
If you ask graduates about the learning experiences that really contributed to their own development, it is often the things that are not part of the official curricula.
Examples of microprojects include:
- Microadventure at home with sponsorship for a good cause
- Social engagement & volunteering
- Develop radio show or podcast
- Act out a theater scene
- Give a lecture in front of others
- Project on the theme of honesty, courage, truthfulness
Here you can find more information about it!

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