Come join us in creating the ENCORE+ OER quality framework on Monday, 25 October, 1 pm – 2:30 pm CEST. And register for our kick-off event for building a European quality community!
Read more on the background of OER quality in Europe in our position paper „Open Educational Resources and Repositories: the Role of Quality“ which you can find down below.

We, the research group NextEducation from the DHBW Kralsruhe, are working on the ENCORE+ project, which supports the implementation and innovation of Open Educational Resources for education and business.
ENCORE+ provides a response to the stakeholders‘ priorities of opening up and modernizing the European education and training sector through a coordinated European OER ecosystem. According to the findings of the project, there is a clear lack of an integrated European OER quality assurance mechanism (including certification) in both the business and academic sectors. The ENCORE+ initiative therefore focuses on a new philosophy of „community-based quality approaches“ that is yet to be developed, tested and embedded. It is our goal to develop a European quality framework that consists of a tool that can be used by repository owners, professionals (like content authors, designers and so on), and leaders in higher education and business, and includes a quality charter for users. The tool will be structured as an open and adaptable framework designed to identify the potential for quality improvement. Together, we will invite participants to engage one another in community-based quality review processes.
ENCORE+ responds to the priorities of opening up and modernising the European education and training sector through a coordinated European OER ecosystem. The project has identified that there is a distinct lack of an integrated European OER quality assurance mechanism (including credentialing) bo
Read more on the topic of OER quality in our position paper „Open Educational Resources and Repositories: the Role of Quality“ and join us for our kick-off event on quality on Monday, 25 October, 1 pm – 2:30 pm CEST.
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