Digitalisation in higher education – the next step

<<ENGLISH>> The Nexteducation research group, in collaboration with the European consortium, is developing a new strategic framework for digital transformation in higher education. Digital learning and teaching has become part of the everyday life in European higher education, but higher education institutions have to keep adapting to the new advances and continuously improve their equipment and methods. The question now is how higher education institutions can find out what they need to improve, where their deficits are and which approaches are suitable for their purposes in the first place.

Together with European partners, including the European University Association, the research group NextEducation is organising two webinars to present new strategy tools for the digitisation of institutions of higher education.

The first webinar in this series will focus on self-evaluation tools such as HEInnovate, DigCompOrg and ACODE Benchmarks, as well as their potential assistance in developing a digital education ecosystem. For this purpose, different self-evaluation tools are presented and then advice is formulated for higher education institutions that are interested in using these tools.

This presentation as well as the developed advice are summarised in a report that includes the results of a six-month desk research project, where each tool was evaluated and peer-reviewed by members of the DIGI-HE consortium against a developed set of criteria.

As part of the European Learning & Teaching pre-Forum, this webinar is directly related to our DIGI-HE project.

Part 1 of the webinar will take place under the title „Developing a high-performing digital education ecosystem: institutional self-assessment instruments“ on 26/01/2021 from 2 pm – 3 pm.

Thematic cornerstones are:

– Presentation of the overall results and review of the different tools and frameworks.

– Formulation of advice on how to approach an internal self-evaluation using a self-evaluation tool or framework

– Discussion of the methodology behind the selection of tools and the review process.

You are free to register until the start of the webinar if you are interested. Participation is open to all EUA members as well as other stakeholders interested in this topic.

Part 2 of this webinar „Results of the survey report Digital enhanced learning and teaching in European higher education institutions“ will take place on 5 February 2021 at 2pm.

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