Developing 21st century skills through online education: opportunities and challenges

EDENDigitisation already determines our entire lives to a large extent and does not stop at lectures at institutions of higher education. Especially in times like these, which are determined by social distance, home office and many other restrictions due to the corona pandemic, the importance of the new digital technologies becomes obvious. They give us new possibilities of communication and cooperation and above all help us to carry out teaching in a different way, which until further notice can no longer be done in the conventional form at universities.

However, constant change does not only have a consequence on the technical possibilities. It also shapes and constantly changes the world of work. Students now expect to be equipped with the skills they will need in the future working world. But in order to be able to teach these skills, we must first consider what the working world of tomorrow will look like? What challenges will students face, what problems may be less present and what circumstances will students have to adapt to in order not to be lost in the labour market?

EDEN is organising the webinar „Developing 21st century skills through teaching online: opportunities and challenges“, which will provide an introduction to the topic of „Future Skills“ and where we will also look at the relationship between required future skills and the corona-shutdwon. It is moderated by the EDEN President Sandra Kučina Softić (University Computing Centre SRCE).


The following questions are the focus of the discussion:

  1. what do we understand by the learning skills of the 21st century and their connections to global issues?
  2. to what extent do 21st century skills differ from those that were required for living and working in previous centuries (e.g. the 20th century)?

3) What challenges exist in supporting pupils and students to develop these skills through distance and „socially distanced learning“ in the context of Covid19?

4) What examples can be found on how teachers from a number of international educational contexts have developed online teaching methods to meet the mentioned challenges under the current conditions of shutdown?


Time: June 8th 2020, 5pm


You can find more information here!



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