<<ENGLISH>> Europe is in a leading position in many areas of Blockchain or other distributed ledger technologies applications. At the same time, the lack of digital skills across Europe risks slowing down and holding back innovation.
CHAISE’s key mission is to develop a strategic approach to blockchain skills development for Europe. CHAISE will offer forward-looking training approaches to address the blockchain skills shortage and meet the current and future skills needs of the European blockchain workforce.
During the next six months, the goal of the research activities is to analyse the blockchain labour market, identify the current demand for blockchain skills, map the supply of existing blockchain training opportunities and produce a mismatch report that identifies the gaps between the supply of blockchain skills and the skills demand in the EU.
The first step of the research was the preliminary development of the „Research Methodology to gather labor market intelligence and identify skills mismatches“ which was published in January 2021. The research strategy provides a broad triangulation of methodologies, perspectives, and data sources to gain a deeper understanding of the skills needed to advance the European blockchain sector.
The research activities are led by our NextEducation research group at DHBW Karlsruhe, Germany.
Are you an executive in a blockchain company, a blockchain developer/consultant, or just an end-user of blockchain-enabled enterprise services/applications? Please take a few minutes to participate in our online survey on blockchain skills needs and labor market realities. Your insights will help us define the current state of Blockchain skills.
You can find the survey here!

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