Attending EDEN 2015, the official and the secret mission.

Back to the European scene I am attending the 2015 conference of the European distance and E-learning Network which for long I considered my disciplinary home and professional family.

It is taking place in the beautiful city of Barcelona and is – as usual – excellently organized. Right away 1 hour into the conference Xavier Prats Monne has delivered an excellent keynote speech in which he sated: What has really changed is not technology. It is the way people learn and work using technology in order to create  knowledge in collaboration while working in increasingly complex organizations under situations of uncertainty.

Now listening to a talk from Audrey Watters which invented and writes the history of the future of education. It feels impressive to be here – back – again. And  I am looking so forward to be inspired with  all colleagues attending here, or connected through the net.

There is also a particular notion to this feeling of being back here 8 month after  our Network „The European Foundation for Quality in E-Learning“ had to be closed down.  I am curious to learn how our colleagues are ging to keep up supporting the „quality quest“ in Europe. This is part of my secret mission to find out in this ears conference, as well.

Let’s see…

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