Join the Idea Sharing Workshop – Early Collaboration on the MOOC “Quality in E-Learning”

Join the EFQUEL Innovation Forum


In this workshops participants are asked to either bring ideas on projects and initiatives for open education (course design, open text books, etc.) or the willingness to join in or provide constructive feedback on the ideas of peers.

During the workshop participants will be guided through the open educational life cycle – from an idea to the actual creation of… Also an online platform to support collaborative open practice will be presented.
In a second part of the workshop the presenters will use the occasion to discuss a MOOC on Quality in e-Learning”, from idea to… ?
The workshop is facilitated by Jan Pawlowski, Dimitra Pappas and Anne-Christin Tannhäuser
Related links and background information:
Find out more on the EFQUEL initiative on Open Educational Ideas


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