Line between non-formal and formal education – Recognition and credentialing of learning

I am very happy to have the opportunity today to host a webinar in the free of the European Distance and E-learning Week, as moderator. This year EDEN is  hosting the third year of the European Distance Learning Week (EDLW) in cooperation with the United States Distance Learning Association (USDLA), which is  holding its National Distance Learning Week (NDLW) in parallel with the EDEN event.

black and white blackboard business chalkboard

Our webinar today is about the topic of weaving in non-formal learning into formal learning.  As lifelong learning is coming from a myth to reality, education is increasingly diversifying. No longer a standard formal degree is the rule of the day but more and more education is an episodical process throughout life. While policy enthusiastically embraces these and related ideas, practice is still struggling with following. And in between the ensuing debate, labour market is announcing that “long-term”, “bullet proofed” degrees are no longer the currency of the day for them but that small certified experiences, competencies and skills which have been gained through practical experiences are often much more speaking to them. The question can be posed: are we arriving at a new era of education? One which is much more focussing on informal learning, non-formal learning and microcredentials instead of the traditional bachelor and master degree?

The following presentations were given:

  1. Airina Volunevičiene, VMU & Sandra Kucina Softic, SRCE; title of the presentation: “ReOPEN: Recognition of Valid and Open Learning – Impact and established collaboration
  2. Alfredo Soeiro, University of Porto, EDEN Senio Fellow; title of the presentation:Validation of competences from virtual, non formal or informal learning: a proposal”
  3. Anthony F. Camilleri, Ildiko Mazar – Open Credentials for Open Education
  4. Giedrė Tamoliūnė, Vytautas Magnus University; title of the presentation: Online learners’ interactions and engagement into study process

Recording is available here: European Distance Learning Week (EDLW)


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