Leadership Unplugged:  Reflections, Challenges and Strategies for the Future of Online and Open Education

recogniitionTogether with Don Olcott  I will have the pleasure to facilitate an interactive workshop at The Open University UK lateran this week. The  workshop will be on „Leadership Unplugged:  Reflections, Challenges and Strategies for the Future of Online and Open Education“ at the „Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference„, organized at the Open University Milton Keynes (UK) from 25 – 27 October 2017. It is the frame of discussions about higher education for the future and how to work towards accelerating and strengthening innovation.


The purpose of this workshop is to challenge traditional assumptions of leadership IMG_4489related to online and open education and to engage in a dialogue about alternative leadership strategies for the future. I am very much looking forward to the workshop, since it is  designed to be highly interactive with small group engagement and report-out summaries provided to the entire group. Our plan is to facilitate the discussion around the following questions:

  • What is the role of leadership in fostering institutional innovation and change?
  • What are (3) key leadership issues facing universities engaged in online and open education in 2017?
  • What are the keys to success for leading effective and systemic change in open and online organizations?
  • Are successful leaders in the vision making business or the revision making business?
  • Are shared and/or distributed models of leadership viable options for future online and open universities?

I will share back the result here on my Blog.

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