Lecture on the topic „Future Skills – Future of Learning
Time: Thursday 04.02.2021, 11:00 – 11:30 CET

<<ENGLISH>> This year, the LEARNTEC conference offers its event online. From February 02 to 04, they offer interested participants a platform for exchange and networking. The aim is to take a look at our current situation in digital teaching and to highlight new insights, difficulties and trends.
During these three days, experts will give presentations on topics such as User Experience, Workplace Learning, Smart Learning and Future Skills.
Accordingly, I have also been invited as a speaker, because Future Skills are already playing a pioneering role in our digital teaching future.
Universities are currently facing the challenge of preparing students for an unknown future in the best possible way. The Future Skills offer a new basic orientation for higher education.
In this lecture, I will present concepts and research results that provide a basis for further discussions on higher education.
A key issue here is the changing basic coordinates of higher education worldwide. It also raises the question of how higher education needs to evolve in order to survive in our world of global challenges, constant shifts in society and agile work environments.
Further information on my contribution can be found here under the respective lecture!
To promote discussion and exchange with the experts, there will be roundtables by some exhibitors in addition to the presentations, where you can engage in direct exchange about experiences and observations with the experts.
The participation in LEARNTEC xChange is for free, the lecture programme and the free tickets can be found at learntec.de.
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